Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Man at Cafe Reads

I've started a few new pieces, one is called "Man at Cafe Reads". Some of the best places to sketch people are at coffee shops (cafes), most of the time the people that I have sketched have no idea that I am drawing them. Only a couple of times have I been spotted, as I quickly turn the other way trying to not look up, and I am sure I've looked like a complete psycho.

The other project that I have continued are my wood cutouts of squirrels. I use found wood panels for the cutouts, then I painted them up and head out on the town. I've put up a few of the cutouts and to my surprise no one has taken them down. They are only small mind you, but seeing how some street art can be called vandalism I had thought the little cutouts would be taken down within the week.  

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